Advokátska kancelária LUKAJKA & PARTNERS

Who we are

The law firm LUKAJKA & PARTNERS is a team of attorneys, lawyers and professionals who
persistently, resolutely and uncompromisingly stand behind their clients and their rights. We provide legal services to Slovak and foreign companies, entrepreneurs and citizens throughout the Slovak republic. We deal with the cases and requirements of our clients comprehensively, responsibly and in a timely manner. We handle each of your cases in a group of at least two lawyers, under the guidance of an attorney with more than 10 years of legal practice. We provide mainly legal and tax advice, personal and virtual consultations, representation before courts and state authorities, etc.; you can find more information about our services in the "Services" section.

Our law firm was founded in 2019 and our "cornerstone“ are attorneys with more than ten years of legal practice (focused on specific areas of expertise), during which we have resolved hundreds of cases and designed hundreds of solutions for entrepreneurs and companies. You can find our client references of our work in the "References" section. We provide the services to companies and entrepreneurs with a combined legal and tax perspective so that we can effectively assess the possible impacts and risks of your request at the same time (since the proposed legal solution also has a tax impact in most cases).

We are a stable and strong partner to companies and entrepreneurs in legal and tax matters so that they can fully devote themselves to their business activities. We also train employees of companies and entrepreneurs, provide documents, samples, instructions, video training so that no mistake happens in their everyday work activities that could have negative effects on the company or entrepreneur. You can find professional training, samples, documents and instructions, in which members of our law firm team have participated, in our section "Samples/instructions". We create a digital newspaper called Legal and Tax Advisor for companies and entrepreneurs, which, together with changes in laws, professional articles and news, can be read in our "News" section.

We build the provision of legal services on three basic pillars, which are responsibility, expertise and punctuality. We are convinced that the responsible and professional provision of legal services requires a constant increase and deepening of professional knowledge and skills. Members of the law firm therefore take an active approach to educational activities, academic conferences, seminars (whether as listeners or lecturers) so that our clients can unconditionally be sure that their advancement and exercise of their rights will not be slowed down by inefficient practices and outdated knowledge. We believe that if punctuality is to be one of our basic pillars, we must use innovative forms and means of communication in the provision of legal services. We can provide our legal services through audiovisual consultations and electronisation of judiciary almost anywhere and anytime. You can carry out video calls or audiovisual consultations with us from your office, conference room, study or a hotel room on holiday.

In areas that require specific knowledge, we cooperate with other professionals, especially tax advisors, experts, bailiffs, notaries, insolvency trustees, cooperating attorneys, auditors, etc. so that we can proceed to a timely solution to your problem or request. We provide legal and tax advice in person at our offices in Trenčín, Bratislava or Košice. We can arrange a virtual (video call / conference) or telephone consultation with clients who cannot meet with us personally in some of our offices, and by agreement at any time so that we can also deal with an urgent request immediately.

EUROVEA offices, Pribinova 4
CENTRAL, Jesenského 6431
Business Centre Košice, Štúrova 27

You can contact us without obligation via the form located in the "Contact" section.

JUDr. Jozef Lukajka, PhD.


Expertise in business, employment, criminal and tax law.

Mgr. Róbert Galko


Expertise in criminal and civil law, business register.

Mgr. Andrea Vašková


Expertise in business, labour and administrative law.

Mgr. Terézia Tušimová


Expertise in damage compensation, non-property damage and criminal law.

JUDr. Dana Fortuníková


Expertise in business, administrative and civil law.

Mgr. Katarína Šimánková


Expertise in business, labour and civil law.

JUDr. Michaela Pyšná


Expertise in e-shops law, personal data protection, civil law.

Mgr. et Mgr. Evelína Hopková


Expertise in contract and administrative law, land registry.

Mgr. Eva Lukajková

legal assistant

Support for our team of attorneys and lawyers, administration.

Ing. Mgr. Martin Tužinský, PhD.

tax advisor

Expertise in the field of taxes.

Petra Lacková, MBA

tax advisor

Expertise in the field of taxes.

Ing. Sylvia Varadínová

accounting consultant

Expertise in accounting.

Dominik Strhák

IT consultant

Expertise in the IT sector and technical support.

We are here for you, ready to act immediately.

Write to us what information or service you are interested in and we will clearly explain the proposed procedure in your case or we will arrange a consultation with you.

Contact us